Barbara Payne Hickey Archer 1944 – 2011

GELIEBTES | Barbara Payne Hickey Archer
TERMINE | Juni 7, 1944 – Juni 21, 2011
FRIEDHOF | Eldorado Baptist Church Cemetery
FUNERAL HOME | Bowen Donaldson Startseite für Beerdigungen, 420 Liebe Ave., Tifton, GA 31794 - T: 229 382 4255

Barbara Payne Hickey Archer, 66, of Augusta, formerly of Tifton, starb am Dienstag, Juni 21, 2011, in Augusta. Grave Services findet statt 1:30 p.m. Monday at Eldorado Baptist Church Cemetery. Family members will serve as pallbearers. Die Familie wird von Freunden erhalten 11 a.m. zu 1 p.m. Monday at Bowen Donaldson Home for Funerals.

Frau. Archer was the heart and soul of her family. She never met a stranger; everyone she met became part of her family. She always made sure everyone had everything needed, even if that meant she had to go without. She loved her family and would do anything for anyone.

Frau. Archer was preceded in death by her parents, Frank and Mittie Payne; a brother, Benjamin; and a sister, Bonnie.

Frau. Archer is survived by her loving husband, Tommy Archer of Augusta; two daughters and one son-in-law, Elizabeth Ames of Florida, N.Y., and Barbara Jean and Richard of Glen Grove, N.Y; einen Sohn, Thomas C. Hickey III of Glen Head, N.Y.; five stepchildren; eine Schwester, Betty Crumbly of Valdosta; vier Brüder, Billy Payne and Butch Payne of Worth County, Bobby Joe Payne of Belton, Texas, and Bruce Payne of Tifton; 16 Enkelkinder; one great-grandchild; and a host of nieces and nephews.

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