Jewell Mizell Hopkins Kopp 1921 – 2013

Ser querido | Jewell Mizell Hopkins Kopp
FECHAS | Noviembre 25, 1928 – Enero 22, 2010
CEMENTERIO | Pineview, FOLKSTON, Georgia
UBICACIÓN EN EL CEMENTERIO | Desde la entrada principal, andar 100 yardas y el lote está a la derecha.
FUNERARIA | Shepard Funeral Home, 526 Oak St., FOLKSTON, Georgia 31537 – t: 912 496 7388

Jewell Mizell Hopkins Kopp passed away peacefully March 7, 2013, in Brunswick, Georgia. She was 91.
Jewell was born October 30, 1921, in Miami, Florida, to Oliver Clifford Mizell and Jewell Walker Mizell. The family moved to Folkston, Georgia, en 1929. Jewell graduated from Charlton County High School, and attended Mary Washington College in Fredericksburg, VA, and Wesleyan College in Macon, Georgia. She was a life-long member of the Folkston United Methodist Church, and regularly attended the First United Methodist Church of Waycross, Georgia, while a resident there. She assisted with the contribution of needlepoint kneelers for both churches, serving as chairman for the Folkston church. She also loved music and singing, and performed with the Chancel Choirs of both congregations. She was for many years part-owner of Hopkins Gowen Oil Co., following the death of her husband Alva J. Hopkins, Jr. She was a long-time member of the Charlton County Historical Society and the Folkston Chamber of Commerce, where she served two terms as president and was instrumental in starting the Okefenokee Festival, well known throughout Southeast Georgia. She enjoyed performing in local musicals produced by the Waycross Area Community Theatre, and was active in the Okefenokee Arts and Entertainment Alliance, the Okefenokee Heritage Center, Southern Forest World, and the Jacksonville Symphony.
She was predeceased by her first husband, Alva J. Hopkins, Jr., her second husband, John G. Kopp, and her sister, Frances Mizell Hopkins. She is survived by her daughter, Deborah Hopkins Carter (husband Chuck) de St. Simons Island, Georgia; her son, Alva Joseph Hopkins III (wife Julie) of Folkston, Georgia; su hermano, William C. Mizell (wife Margaret) of Dublin, Georgia, and Folkston, Georgia; grandson Alva J. Hopkins IV of Macon, Georgia; granddaughter Melissa Hopkins Johnson (husband Greg) of Folkston, Georgia; granddaughter Laura Strickland Jones (husband Drew) of Folkston, Georgia; great grandsons Ronald Gregory Johnson III (Trey) and Joseph Edwin Johnson (Joe); great granddaughter Grace Elizabeth Jones; y numerosos sobrinos y sobrinas, and grand-nieces and grand-nephews.
El velorio será 1:30-3:00, Domingo, Marzo 10, 2013, in the Social Hall of Folkston United Methodist Church, with the funeral service immediately following in the sanctuary. Burial will follow at Folkston’s Pineview Cemetery. The funeral services will be officiated by Reverend Dr. Edwin Cooper Jr. and Reverend David Willett.

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