Ser querido | Julian L. Lehman
FECHAS | Junio 29, 1941 – Enero 9, 2011
CEMENTERIO | Amistad Cemetey, Carburador, Georgia
UBICACIÓN EN EL CEMENTERIO | A la izquierda en el cementerio, go round the corner to left and stop at the Lawson lot on left. This lot is then at the bottom corner of the Lawson lot.
FUNERARIA | McLane Funeral & Servicios de cremación, P.O. Caja 5203, Valdosta, Georgia 31603 t: 229 242 5544
Julian L. Lehman, Jr., 69, de Valdosta, fallecido Domingo, Enero 9, 2011 at South Georgia Medical Center after a lengthy illness. He was born June 29, 1941, in Valdosta to the late Julian L. Lehman, Sr. and Mildred Lord Lehman. Julian’s loving spirit was displayed in every aspect of his life. He served in the U.S. Army 82nd Airborne Division and worked 28 years with the Valdosta Fire Department, starting as a firefighter and retiring as a Captain of the Training Division. He loved Georgia Bulldog football, fishing, gardening, and spending time with family and friends. He will be dearly missed by each and every one of his Facebook friends who always looked forward to his daily posts about his morning cup of coffee and weather forecasts.
A devoted husband, padre, grandfather, and brother, he is survived by his wife of 48 año, Shirley; two children, Paul (Lisette) Lehman and Tracie (Shane) Kelly; seis nietos, Joshua Lehman, Jennifer Kelly, Jessie Lehman, Jordan Lehman, Ashley Lehman, and Samantha Lehman. He also leaves behind one brother, Tim (Brenda) Lehman, dos hermanas, Betty (David) Lightsey, and Martha (Eddie) Roberts, todo de Valdosta; and also his dear friend and sister in law, Peggy Anderson of Pel1 City, Alabama.