GELIEBTES | Stacey Norman Willis
TERMINE | Mai 22, 1987 – Oktober 21, 2011
FRIEDHOF | Weeks Chapel, Lenox, Cook County GA
FUNERAL HOME | Bowen Donaldson Startseite für Beerdigungen, 420 Liebe Ave., Tifton, GA 31794 - T: 229 382 4255
Stacey Norman Willis, 24, of Tifton died Friday, Oktober. 21, 2011, at Columbus Regional Medical Center in Columbus.
Die Beerdigung findet statt 2 p.m. on Monday, Oktober. 24, at the First Baptist Church in Norman Park. Die Rev. Jimmy Voyles and the Rev. Shane Ashley will officiate with burial to follow in Weeks Chapel Cemetery in Cool Springs. Military personnel will serve as pallbearers. Herr. Willis was born on May 22, 1987, in Tift County and was the son of Tim Willis and his fiancé, Kim Jones, of Norman Park and Amanda and Jerry Merritt of Tifton. He joined the United States Army in 2006 and was an ammunition specialist and stationed at Fort Benning. He was of the Methodist faith. He was preceded in death by his grandfathers, Alex Fox and Ben Willis. He enjoyed hunting, fishing and listening to music. He loved spending time with family and friends, especially his son.
Zusätzlich zu seinen Eltern, Herr. Willis is survived by his grandmothers, Martha Fox and Pat Willis, beide Tifton; his fiancé, Heather Woods Tawzer of Tifton; zwei Söhne, Timmy Willis and Wesley Tawzer, beide Tifton; ein Bruder und eine Schwägerin, Zachary and Karah Willis of Lakeland; and one nephew, Chance Willis of Lakeland.