Ser querido | Virtis Young Dorminy
FECHAS | Noviembre 11, 1926 – Enero 31, 2012
CEMENTERIO | Evergreen, Fitzgerald, Ben Hill Co., Georgia 31750
UBICACIÓN EN EL CEMENTERIO | Enterprise Lane, past large Paulk monument on the left, 2nd row in.
FUNERARIA | Paulk Funeral Home, 301 S. Main St., Fitzgerald, Georgia 31750 - T: 229 423 2033
Virtis Young Dorminy, 85, de Fitzgerald, Georgia, murió el martes, Enero 31, 2012, at Palemon Gaskins Nursing Home in Ocilla.
Los servicios funerales se llevarán a cabo en 1 P.M. Jueves, Febrero 2 at the Paulk Funeral Home Chapel in Fitzgerald with the Rev. Clayton Dowd,el Rev. Jack Dorminey and the Rev. Ellen Dorminey officiating. Seguirá el sepelio en el cementerio Evergreen. La familia recibirá a los amigos de 7-9 Wednesday evening at the funeral home.
Sra.. Dorminy was born November 11, 1926 in Ben Hill County to the late Lonnie and Fannie Carver Young. She was a homemaker who lived in Fitzgerald most of her life. Sra.. Dorminy was a member of the Holiness Baptist faith.
She is survived by her granddaughters, Sonja & Scott Morris of Ocilla and Johanna & Tommy Davis of Fitzgerald; bisnietos, Gabe Morris, Grace Morris, Jackson Davis and Jude Davis; hermano, Claude Young of Fitzgerald; hermana, Brenda Cromartie of Fitzgerald; son-in-law, Palanqueta (Martha) Griswold of Fitzgerald as well as several nieces and nephews. Junto con sus padres, she was preceded in death by her husband, George J. Dorminy, una hija, Kathy Griswold, hermanos, Grady Young and Keithern Young and sisters, Data Evans and Maredell Hobby.