Willie Arthur ‘StanfieldParker 1930 – 2012

Ser querido | Willie Arthur ‘StanfieldParker
FECHAS | Agosto 18, 1930 – Enero 27, 2012
CEMENTERIO | Corinth Baptist Church, Richmond Hill, Georgia
UBICACIÓN EN EL CEMENTERIO | Enter to the left hand side, by double gates, and the lot is by the fence on left.
FUNERARIA | Richmond Hill Funeral Home, 8901 Ford Ave., Richmond Hill, Georgia 31324 – t: 912 756 7575

Willie ArthurStanfieldParkerRICHMOND HILLWillie ArthurStanfieldParker, born August 18, 1930 and lifelong resident of Richmond Hill, Georgia, died January 27, 2012 at home surrounded by his family. Le sobreviven su esposa, Mary Glynn Parker and his five children, Benita Wells, Willie Arthur Parker, Jr. (Maria), Sheila Parker, Barbara (Bob) Wannamaker, Frances (Bob) Sweeney, 9 nietos, y 6 bisnietos. Visitation: 6:00 p.m. a 8:00 p.m., Lunes, Enero 30, 2012 at Richmond Hill Funeral Home. Funeral Service will be held at 11:00 a.m., Martes, Enero 31, 2012 at Corinth Baptist Church with burial in the church cemetery with military honors

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