LOVED ONE | Kirk Romon Johnson III
DATES | August 3, 1974 – February 8, 2011
CEMETERY | Sunset Hill Cemetery, Valdosta, GA
LOCATION IN CEMETERY | Bear right at the Ashurst mausoleum on right, turn right past C106 sign, turn right, go behind Azalea Bushes, turn left after the M-2 marker.
FUNERAL HOME | Stevens Funeral Home, 215 East Martin Luther King JR. Drive, Valdosta, GA – t: 229 244 1717
Mr. Kirk Romon Johnson III, 36, of Valdosta, passed away on Tuesday, February 8, 2011 in Atlanta, GA. Graveside service will be held on Sunday, February 13, 2011 at 2 P.M. at Sunset Hill Cemetery. Public viewing will be held today from 2-8 P.M. at the funeral home. – Stevens Funeral Home of Valdosta